This time 12 months ago, Ivan Maric was preparing for his senior league debut with Richmond, following a 77-game, six-season career at the Adelaide Crows.

Now, after a season where he averaged nearly 16 disposals per match, was ranked No. 3 in the entire competition for total hit-outs, No. 2 at the Club for contested marks, No. 6 for centre clearances, and finished third in the Jack Dyer Medal, the strongly-built, aggressive ruckman is being lauded as a spiritual leader at Tigerland, by no less a judge than the Club’s coach Damien Hardwick.

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“From an on-field perspective, there’s no doubt (about his importance), but the pleasing thing for us is that off-field he’s also enormous,” Hardwick told Fox Sports.

“He’s a leader in his own right, been elevated to our leadership group, and is a player that’s just got an aura around him.  Our players love playing with him.

“That’s certainly what I love in my ruckmen, and what he’s brought to this footy club . . .

“He drives the group, he demands of the group, and he’s certainly become a very important player here.”