Not your average training session.

On Monday, Richmond players swapped their footy boots and ball for assembly manuals and plastic parts.

The Club will change the lives of 14 amputees after donating their time and skills to build prosthetic hands for people in need.


Via the Helping Hands Program, players and support staff assembled the prosthetics, which will now be distributed throughout South East Asia at no cost to the recipient.

The event was also a historic milestone for the Helping Hands Program as the 25,000th hand will be built on the day. 

The Tigers were led through an activity to assemble real prosthetic limbs and then decorate a vinyl pouch with pictures and messages for the recipient to help reinforce the human aspect of the task.

Helping Hands Founder and Organisational Psychologist Dr Matt Henricks said the program was an opportunity for players to share a powerful experience together, see the world from a different perspective, and make a big difference together.

"When I first started talking to Richmond, I was immediately impressed by their wholistic approach to player development," Henricks said.

"They are committed to helping all of their players reach their leadership potential and I think that is so rare and impressive.

"This activity not only enabled each player to change someone else’s life, but explored the power of purpose, perspective, and collaboration.

"I believe the activity was a fantastic platform from which to tackle the second half of the AFL season."

Dr Henricks said it was "incredible exciting" to reach the 25,000 hand milestone.

"When I first founded this project we had no idea of the kind of difference we would ultimately end up making in the world," he said.

"There were also very difficult times during the pandemic where it was far from clear that the project was going to remain afloat.

"So, to reach this milestone of 25,000 lives changed, is so incredibly exciting. I’m especially pleased to be able to share that milestone with such an iconic organisation makes this even more special."