To all Richmond people,

This week is a big one for us all. No-one is more excited than me about what we, as a club, have been able to achieve over the last nine weeks and, more importantly, the opportunity that lies before us.

I have spent this week doing everything possible to convince myself that my body was up for the fight on Sunday, and I could go out there and play my role as I’ve always done.

Unfortunately, after 11 years of scrapping and grinding, my body hasn’t got any fight left. It is with this in mind that I have decided it would be best for myself, and for our footy club, that I retire.

This has been a very difficult decision, especially given that this is all I’ve known since I was drafted in 2003 as a 17-year-old boy. The decision was made even more difficult knowing I had a contract for 2015, and that I’d have the opportunity to be a part of what I have full confidence is going to be the start of something great for our proud club.

Ultimately, though, after thinking about it long and hard, I didn’t want to leave myself in a position where I spent my final time as a footballer, not being able to perform to a level that I’d expect of myself and, more importantly, to a level that the footy club needs from me.

As far as looking back goes, I’ll only take with me the fondest of memories of my time with Richmond. Eleven years is a long time, especially with all the trials and tribulations, fighting the physical and mental battles known all too well by anyone who’s played our great game. I came into this game as a boy, with little hope of ever achieving much as far as an AFL career went. I leave a man, proudly knowing I squeezed every ounce out of the little ability I came in with.

I can’t begin to express how much the people I’ve shared the journey with along the way mean to me, and how grateful I am to them for their support, through both good and, probably more often than not, the not so good!

I love my club and, most importantly, I love my teammates. I look forward to seeing them go on to do great things. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, I hope that people can understand my decision to retire.

Finally, I'd like to thank my parents, who've put up with a lot over the years.  Their support has been unyielding through thick and thin.

Good luck to the boys.  I know you'll do our jumper proud.
