Following his retirement announcement yesterday, veteran Richmond midfielder Nathan Foley sat down with former teammate Matthew Richardson for an exclusive ‘Roar Vision’ interview.  Here are Foley’s views on a variety of topics related to his fine career at Tigerland, along with his future plans.

On his career highlights

“There’s been some real highlights along the way . . . representing Australia (International Rules series) and Victoria, and also it was huge to get to play my first final last year (v Port Adelaide).  That’s something I look back really fondly on.  It’s funny, we went through a couple of years where we weren’t so successful, but you even have flashbacks to games where you’re the underdog and you’ve come out and won on a Friday night and those sort of things . . .”

On his professional approach

“Coming off a rookie list, I learnt that from a pretty young age that’s what was required of me to make it, and I did . . . it’s something I can look back on, pretty proud of the way I went about it.”

WATCH: Nathan Foley’s behind-the-scenes retirement announcement to the players

On his AFL debut in 2005, the same night Nathan Brown broke his leg

“It was a terrible night for poor ‘Browny’.  We got rolled and it wasn’t a great feeling in the rooms afterwards.  Everyone just felt so much for Browny . . . It was a strange debut, to be honest.

On his Tigerland legacy

“To be remembered as a team man is important to me.  And, also professional, as well as someone that gave everything for the Club. 

On the best players he’s seen at Richmond

“Obviously yourself (‘Richo’) . . . Nathan Brown, he was extraordinary.  I learned a lot off ‘Sugar’ (Kane Johnson), especially while he was captain.  Wayne Campbell, I spent a couple of years with.  Of the current crop, Chris Newman’s done so much for this club.  ‘Bretty’ (Brett Deledio) has been an unbelievable player and he’s got so much upside still.  He seems to just keep on improving, especially playing half-forward now.  ‘Cotchy’ (Trent Cotchin) obviously has won three B & F’s.  I got to play a couple of years with ‘Cuz’ (Ben Cousins) too, which was a great experience . . . I learned a lot of him as well.” 

On the emerging crop of Tiger midfielders

“It’s surprising how few games ‘Milesy’ (Anthony Miles) has played . . . he’s playing exceptional footy. I’m also an inside ‘mid’, so I really enjoy watching him.  Kane Lambert’s come on really well this year and, for someone who’s played only five or six games, he’s showing quite a lot.  Corey Ellis is another one that’s going to be a good player.  He’s been a little bit injury-interrupted this year, but we’ve seen up close the class he’s going to have . . . There are certainly some young blokes coming through, which is going to make for some really exciting times in the next few years.

On the Club’s changing face

“It’s amazing how much it’s changed. I got to the Club at the end of 2003 and we were in the old facility . . . by the end it was a bit rough.  In saying that, you don’t know any different and I really enjoyed my time over there.  But to come over here is another experience.  It just makes you feel more professional, and it shows where the Club’s at and how elite it’s becoming, not only on the field, but also off the field.”

WATCH: The best of Nathan Foley during his time at Tigerland

On what he’ll do next

“I’m not exactly sure.  While I’ve thought about it a little bit, I’ll probably change my mind quite regularly about what I’m going to do.  I’ll decide that in the next few weeks, or next few months.  There’s not really a rush at this stage.”

On the possibility of a permanent return home to Colac

“No, I don’t think so.  If you asked me 10 years ago, I might have said I’d head back, but Melbourne has become my home . . . A lot of my mates and my parents are still down there, so I love getting home and always will, but I’ll probably settle more in Melbourne now, I think.”