Shane Tuck is a player renowned for his relentless attack on the football, yet, until last year, an illness was hindering him from achieving his full potential on-field.

Tuck, who suffered stomach and digestion problems for a number of years, was initially diagnosed with an inflamed small intestine in 2011 after visiting a health retreat.

He had treatment for the issue, but a few months later was diagnosed with coeliac disease – a condition where the immune system reacts abnormally to gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats).

Tuck has since changed his diet, by cutting out foods containing gluten, and he’s now feeling more energetic than ever.

Since his diagnosis, he doesn’t need to rest as much, and he doesn’t consume as much caffeine to get through the day.

Coeliac Awareness Week runs from March 13-20.  If you’re ‘sick and tired of feeling sick and tired’, visit the Coeliac Australia website for more information.

Click on the player above to hear Tuck talk about managing coeliac disease.