Given the form talented Richmond playmaker Shane Edwards has displayed during the past couple of seasons, he surely would have been hot free-agency property at the end of next season, had he not taken himself off the market by re-signing with the Tigers earlier this week.

Edwards, though, is more than happy to be remaining a Tiger for at least the next four years, if not forever. 

“It’s good . . . a bit of security.  And, I see a really bright future at Richmond.  So, I wouldn’t second guess it at all,” Edwards told ‘Roar Vision’.

VIDEO: The best of Shane Edwards

“I want to stay at Richmond as long as I can. 

“I love it here and free agency never really crossed my mind.”

Edwards is the latest in a long line of key Richmond players, who have made clear their desire to continue the journey with the Club by committing to long-term contract deals.

“It’s a strong core, and we’re all relatively young in terms of most other teams in the AFL that have been in the top eight,” he said.

“So, it’s good to know that we have some really quality players staying around for a while.”

The Tigers’ two newest additions, secured during the AFL’s recent trade period – Jacob Townsend and Chris Yarran – also appeal to Edwards.

“I think they’ll be really good players for us,” he said.

“I know Jacob Townsend’s a really tough, inside player.  And we’ve all seen Chris Yarran – against us, especially. 

“So, it’s going to be really exciting . . .”

Edwards, a veteran of 168 games over nine seasons with Richmond, turned 27 earlier this week, but is adamant he hasn’t yet peaked in his league football career.

“I definitely think my best footy’s still ahead of me,” he said.

And, he’ll give himself the best chance of taking his game to an even higher level, by again being utterly professional with regards to how he looks after himself in the off-season, before entering the pre-season period.

“We’ve got a pretty strict training schedule, so I’ll stick to that,” he said.

“You want to come back as fit as possible . . .

“I don’t want to let my teammates down by coming back underdone.  So, I’ll make sure I’m in tip-top shape.”