The Club’s official podcast, featuring Richmond icon and multi-media megastar, Matthew Richardson, with co-hosts Tiger Media Manager, Adrian Ceddia, and resident journalist/Tiger ‘tragic’, Tony Greenberg, continues to shine, in its never-ending quest to entertain, enlighten and inform you on all things Tigerish (as well as some other far-flung topics).
Forthright views, facts, fun and frivolity, combine to make Talking Tigers the resounding success it has been in its debut season.
Among a swag of subjects covered on this week’s show, the boys dissect the calamity at Cazalys Stadium, preview ‘Operation Bounceback’ against the Kangaroos, speak with the Club’s Rehabilitation and Conditioning Coach, Terry Condon, about his recent trip to Germany, with injured Tiger rising star Dylan Grimes, while ‘Richo’ lists his all-time, top-five Richmond dramatic match finishes.
If the Tigers turn you on, then make sure you turn on to Talking Tigers.
Click above to hear this week’s show . . .