The Korin Gamadji Institute hosted 31 REAL Program participants last week for phase two of the program, a five-day leadership development camp, followed by pathway support activity.

Participants took part in exploring leadership, cultural activities, group development, skills training, including speech writing and public speaking, plus personal and career pathway planning during the program.

Highlights of the camp included a trip to the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC), a presentation from Richmond player, Steve Morris, about resilience and a visit from Federal Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey.

Director of the KGI, Belinda Duarte, said the participants would continue to grow as a part of the program.

“It’s a pleasure watching participants continue their journey and I have no doubts about the way they are enriching their communities,” she said.

Kzanne, a 16 year-old KGI alumni and REAL Program participant, has been working with WebWise, a program that focuses on teaching Koorie youth about internet safety and ways to use online websites to keep in touch with communities, as well as share stories.

Kzanne presented to the group about WebWise and what she has learnt through working with the program.

“It was a privilege to see Kzanne speak confidently in front of a group of people, including the Hon. Joe Hockey,” Duarte said.

“She’s a great ambassador for the KGI and REAL Program, as she’s learnt a lot from the program and made the most of the pathway opportunities presented to her.”

The REAL Program is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, aged 13-16 years. The program focuses on building confidence, leadership, creating career pathways, health and well-being and exploring leadership and active participation.

The program is delivered in partnership with the YMCA and supported by the VEC.