YOGA, pilates and even skinny soy lattes are a few modern-day techniques that people use to relax.

But for Tigers forwardKayne Pettifer there is nothing like winding down with a couple bloodthirstydogs among the native flora and fauna, with the smell of a recently fired gun waftingthrough the air.

"I am a country boy and love mypig hunting and fishing," Pettifer said.

"There's nothing like travelling to outback New South Wales, whereyour phone doesn't ring, there's no radio and you are just hunting with thedogs. That's how I was brought up and I love it."

While Pettifer admits his girlfriend Vanessa "hates" his chosen methodof relaxation, he believes his regular "mates-only" hunting trips are havinga positive effect on their relationship.

"Once a week I take her out to a nice restaurant tokeep her happy. Also, I've lived with her for the last three years so we do alot together," Pettifer said.

Unfortunately, Pettifer’s hunt for four premiership pointsthis year has not been as enjoyable or successful as his weekendsaway; the 25-year-old having to wait 12 rounds for his club’s first win of theseason.

"Obviously there has been a lot of disappointment; we have hada lot of losses, one draw. So, it feels good – particularly considering thefirst half of the season we have had," he said.

Pettifer, now in his seventh season with the Tigers, sayshe and his teammates are eager to use last weekend’s victory as aspringboard for future success.

"We showed what we can do on Friday night once we getthings working. So, hopefully we can take that right steps forward and win morethan we lose out of the next 10 games," he said.

This weekend's gamebetween Richmond, a side thirsty for its second win of the year, and St Kilda,  a side desperate to hang on to the chance of afinals berth, carries a lot more interest than it did a week ago.

Pettifer says the side will be hunting with a spring in itsstep on Saturday.

"We have been close all year and it clicked against Melbourne on the weekend,so we know what we can do now. Obviously, the Saints had an awesome win in Perth, so it is going tobe a huge game," he said.

Tiger Talk

What building best represents your personality?

I’m prettyconfident, I suppose, and a prankster around the club – always stirring it upand being the centre of attention. So, I’d say the Empire StateBuilding – where everyoneis forced to look at me carrying on.

Nathan Brown is obviously a realpretty boy and no one picks on him, so, every now and then he’s received a bitof Deep Heat in the underpants. Fire crackers also randomly appear in theshower rooms and get a few of the blokes jumping.

What were you like at school?

I was a sporty person, had no idea where thelibrary door was and liked to socialise a lot. Phys Ed was my favoritesubject; English my worst.