Newly-appointed Richmond CEO Shane Dunne will not be emulating his predecessor Brendon Gale and delivering a visionary statement for the Club.

Gale, in 2010, just a few months after taking over as the Tigers’ CEO, released the now famous, bold, 3-0-75 visionary statement – three finals appearances (including one top-four finish) by 2014, zero debt and 75,000 members.

And the extra audacious addition to the visionary statement was that by 2020 Richmond would have a further three premiership cups in its trophy cabinet.

As gloriously prophetic as that turned out to be for the Club, Dunne doesn’t believe a new visionary statement is required now.

“If you think back to the time that was said, it was really about lifting the Club off the canvas,” Dunne said on the Talking Tigers podcast.

“It wasn’t just about premierships, it was also about clearing debt, taking us from 30,000 members to 75,000 members.


“The great legacy that Brendon has left us all now is this stable club. It’s a really strong club.

“So, that type of visionary statement, I’m not sure it’s necessary for this time.

“This is really about getting a list and a football program that can be competing for finals as soon as we possibly can.”