Photo: Emmanuel Rondeau / WWF

Every year on July 29, Global Tiger Day is celebrated to raise awareness for tiger conservation.

At the Richmond Football Club, we are proud of the continuing work we do to save wild tigers.

In recognition of Global Tiger Day, we are pleased to share some updates on how tiger numbers are tracking in the wild.

Richmond has been shining a light on Tiger conservation for the past six years, with tiger ambassadors Nick Vlastuin, Jack Graham and Toby Nankervis visiting Sumatra and Central India to witness first-hand how successful tiger conservation can be achieved.

The wild tiger population hit an all-time low in 2010, with just 3,200 tigers worldwide.

This saw the world’s 13 tiger range countries come together and commit to doubling their wild tiger numbers by 2022, a goal known as TX2.

Each country’s journey towards TX2 has been different, but tiger populations are now increasing in some countries, with the most wild tigers being found in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Russia.

The world's wild tiger population is now estimated to be at 5,574, showcasing the success of TX2.

However, while tiger populations in some countries are on the rise, they are still declining across Southeast Asia.

Tigers have become extinct from 10 countries in the last 100 years. Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam have all lost their wild tigers in the last 25 years.

Tigers in mainland Southeast Asia remain under threat due to poaching, decreasing prey, habitat loss, human-tiger conflict and the illegal wildlife trade. Sadly, every part of the tiger is still traded in illegal wildlife markets - skin, teeth, flesh and bones are all used for traditional remedies and as status symbols.

By working with local communities, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is supporting tiger protection by funding Indigenous anti-poaching patrol teams, who remove snares and traps from the forest and report any findings to local authorities.

These patrol teams have reduced active snares by 94% since 2017 in Malaysia’s Belum-Temengor forest complex. 

Working to support WWF-Malaysia, the Club’s Tiger Conservation membership provides funds to go directly towards employing patrol staff, who remove poachers snares, monitor poachers activity and monitor tiger activity.

The Malayan tiger is classified as Critically Endangered with less than 150 individuals in the wild. 

To help us save wild tigers from extinction, you can sign up as a Tiger Conservation member.

Along with supporting WWF via direct funding, you'll also receive a plush tiger toy, exclusive updates throughout the year about Tiger Conservation activities, competitions, surprise and delights and messages from players, and a general admission ticket to attend a Richmond home game.

To sign up as a tiger conservation member, please visit Richmond FC | TIGER CONSERVATION

You can also help tigers by:

  • Buying forest-friendly products, like FSC-certified paper and wood products, certified sustainable palm oil and sustainable coffee
  • Not buying anything containing tiger parts when travelling overseas
  • Not partaking in photos with tigers or experiences where you can interact with tigers