Hard-running midfielder Shaun Grigg rates kicking efficiency as a key element in Richmond’s quest to take the next step in 2013 . . .

The Tigers impressed at various stages with their foot skills during last Friday night’s AFL pre-season series triangular opening round against Melbourne and North Melbourne at Etihad Stadium.   At other times, however, they missed targets and shots for goal, which proved costly.

“We kicked the ball pretty well (last Friday night), but the one thing we didn’t do really well was set shots at goal, and I was a culprit at that, missing a pretty easy one,” Grigg said on Triple M.

“It’s something we have practised a lot, our kicking efficiency.

“We were pretty good last year at it, but it’s one thing we want to get better at.

“If we can lift in that area again, then we’re going to have the ball more often than the opposition.

 “And, If you can convert on the scoreboard, then you’ll win most games.”